The Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce and Community Development is a non-profit organization founded in 2018, which supports and promotes a community environment where commerce can prosper. The Chamber is committed to serving the business community and helping promote future economic growth and development of the Melrose Park area. The Chamber champions local business and community engagement by providing resources and leadership to advance economic opportunities while enhancing the quality of community life.


The Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce and Community Development (MPCCCD) has a number of committees that help carry out the mission of the organization. Committee membership is limited to those individuals holding a current active membership in the MPCCCD organization. Each committee will have at least one current board member as part of the group. Contact us today to learn more about joining one of our committees.

Membership and Finance Committee 

The Membership and FinanceCommittee provides guidance and support for new member development and retention. Members of the committee are expected to actively participate in the recruitment of businesses and organizations to join the chamber. This committee is also responsible for managing the member benefit programs and to collect membership insight in additional programs and services necessary to support our business community.

This committee is also responsible for providing financial oversight, budgets, forecasts and review of monthly income/expense reporting.

Business, Organizational, & Professional Development Committee

This committee is responsible for working with the membership to understand the needs for workforce development and training. This would include developing and implementing information sessions, training programs, lunch and learn activities, and various other initiatives that support overall growth.

This committee works closely with the executive director and leadership of the MPCCCD in the development and delivery of all monthly meetings. This includes but is not limited to identifying speakers/facilitators for meetings, location, sponsors as needed, food, agenda, etc.

Networking and Special Events Committee

The Networking and SpecialEvents Committee works closely with the Membership Committee and is responsible for organizing and implementing the quarterly networking events which are the backbone of member engagement and new member development.

This committee is also responsible for the planning and coordination of annual events such as the legislative breakfast, scholarship and business awards luncheon and the development of new signature events.

Community Development and Social Responsibility Committee

This committee works closely with community leaders and anchor institutions to drive awareness, engagement and partnerships to support the overall community development. Areas of engagement include but are not limited to:

  • Education
  • Non-Profit & Community Services
  • Arts & Entertainment
  • Health and Human Services
  • Government Relations

Marketing and Communications Committee

The Marketing and Communications committee provides guidance and support to ensure that all digital, social media and print communications are timely, professional, and informative and remain current and relevant.

This committee will work closely with all other chamber committees to ensure that upcoming events are properly communicated and shared with membership and others in the community to promote events and provide information, photos and news from past chamber and community development activities in the area.

Minority, Women and Veteran Owned Business Committee

The Minority, Women and Veteran Owned Business Committee works with member businesses fitting the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) criteria to identify challenges as well as public and private entities that support DBE’s to bring training, resources and awareness to special certifications, business/contract opportunities, access to capital, etc., that are specific to DBE Businesses.

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